I help folks quit their survival jobs & take copywriting full-time.



 Behind the scenes

of my most talked about showstoppers

And the Oscar for “best client ever cuz she sent me a video” goes to...


 Hot gossip about The Email Academy

(Course creators who are DIY'ing their copy)


Shelly said she hit the email jackpot

“Katelyn's Email Academy was so amazing. It was filled to the brim with so much good stuff I couldn't believe it. I felt like I hit the email jackpot! Not only did I get the emails for my challenge and launch written, it also vastly improved my email game. Since taking her course I've had several people email me to say "this is the best email you've ever written" or "it's like you know me"! I have a slight addiction to online courses and this one far exceeded my expectations.”

- Shelly Criswell, Virtual Assistant


Nicole learned strategies she can apply to other emails

“Katelyn’s entertaining and practical approach to writing email copy made launching my email campaign super doable and fun! I didn’t have to figure things out for myself and could focus on my creativity instead. I learned a lot of new formulas and strategies that I can apply for other emails as well. Highly recommend this program!”

- Nicole Marie Finch, Productivity & Work Mindset Trainer


Rina no longer thinks email is mega-spammy

I now feel totally confident about sending out emails. I realize that a well-thought email schedule is not spammy, but genius!”

- Rina Makhdoom, Senior Sales Director

Ann Marie OBraskin_resized for web.png

Ann Marie saved a crap-ton of time

"This program sped up my launch prep by HOURS, if not days!!"

- Ann Marie O'Braskin, Audience Growth Specialist

Jessica Ferrell_resized for web.png

Jessica felt like a pro writer!

I was super pleased with the email course! I felt like a pro writer haha! It helped me write my emails with ease, quickly and was so informative. Love that I will be able to use this over and over for future launches and sequences.”

- Jessica Ferrell, Wellness Professional


Meghan Rose now has a process to go through and no longer overthinks

The Email Academy was simply wonderful. I'm a writer at heart and can write lengthy, meaningful, inspirational stories and articles and such but having such a well thought out process to go through, which will give me the ability to share my words in a meaningful and purposeful way with my audience, really took pressure off of me as a busy entrepreneur to not have to overthink this process.”

- Meghan Rose, Energy Medicine Teacher


 Hot gossip about the Copywriter Igniter & private mentorship with Katelyn


Lauren went from $15/hour receptionist to full-time copywriter in 7 months

“I was a singer-songwriter in New York City, working 3-4 different survival jobs. My desk job was horrific. Soul-sucking. 8-9 hours of no creativity…Then I found the Copywriter Igniter.

I got on the phone with Katelyn and was nervous. I was nervous to invest in the course (something I knew absolutely nothing about). I had never heard of conversion copywriting. I didn’t know what sales pages or email sequences were. I didn’t even know what online business was. But I took the leap and what made the difference were the weekly calls with Katelyn. They had me nailing goals. It led me to going part-time at my desk job. What full-time looks like today is if I need to take a mental health day, I take a mental health day. If I want to wake up at 10 in the morning (or 7 in the morning!) — I get to choose.

In my first 7 months, I brought in over $19,000 in profit which is pretty incredible. I live a freedom I didn’t know was possible. I don’t have to answer to anybody else. I have a voice and I get to share it with others. The Copywriter Igniter is absolutely the holy book to conversion copywriting and building a business. AND being able to get clients doing it. It is a massive relief to not be chained to somebody else’s desk anymore.”

- Lauren Hendon, copywriter


Rin saved her butt when covid hit

“When it comes to learning how to navigate this exciting growing online business world as a copywriter, Katelyn is exactly the kind of mentor you want in your corner. She has that rare blend of supportive leadership and  "walking the walk" expertise that's so crucial to ACTUALLY learning.  I'd been dipping my toe into freelance copywriting for years, but didn't know how to take control of my skill set so I could go all in. As a result, in order to make ends meet I was also stuck working various shift jobs that drained my energy, and zapped my creativity for writing. 

 Since working with Katelyn and going through The Copywriter Igniter, not only am I writing full-time, but I'm now having to tell inquiries that "actually... I'm booked out."

- Rin Wilhelmi, copywriter


Tori feels like someone's in her corner

"Working with Katelyn is such a breeze because she thinks of every step needed and is hands-on, which is something I greatly value. I'm most grateful for her ability to be inclusive, authentic, and understanding when it comes to all things copywriting. I love knowing that someone's in my corner who wants me to have a successful business, launch, and connection with my audience."

- Tori Autumn, copywriter & self-love coach


Ami propelled her copywriting business

“Katelyn Collins is a copywriter. She's also superwoman. The day before I handed in my resignation at school, (I was a teacher), I took a risk by booking a call with Katelyn. I was scrolling through copywriters to see how people were able to live the life I was looking for. I didn't think she'd even talk to me - I wasn't a potential client, so I thought she'd cancel. I wrote a short few sentences in the 'reasons why' when I booked the call. Things like 'you're living the life I want to live so I'd like to know how you did it, k thanks bye.'

Let me tell you: I am SO glad she didn't cancel on me. She listened to my panic, she reassured me and gave me actionable, clear steps to follow to propel my business. She didn't try to pitch or push me. I was shocked at how kind she was, (still is). And, after that, I turn to her to share my wins and my losses. Every time something happens that I find tricky to handle, she's the first person I go to. And every single time, she gives me golden advice. She reassures me, tells me that my confidence needs to grow and confirms my value & worth. Genuinely, I don't think I'd be the copywriter I am today without this fantastic woman.”

- Ami, copywriter


Tinaca got super inspired

"Katelyn's integrity & authenticity is unheard of. She goes over & beyond to teach, give, share & inspire. SHE ROCKS!"

- Tinaca Johnson


Sanjana said the Copywriter Igniter changed her life

"The Copywriter Igniter is by far the best online course I've been a part of.

If you're a newbie copywriter who wants to learn the ropes of conversion copywriting while building your business, get off the fence and start taking action with this program that quite literally, changed my life.”

- Sanjana Behera, conversion copywriter and email strategist


Ryan likes how "in the trenches" I am (I'll totally do that for you too)

"As a newbie it’s hard to know where to begin. This is why I love working with Katelyn. She’s in the trenches folks, meaning that you have a rare opportunity to work with a mentor that isn’t so far removed from the process. She knows how to get clients and she knows how to coach you on copy creation for today and the future.

Katelyn is patient and empathetic when working with her students. You’ll love the attentiveness. So join, because if you’re interested in learning how to work with course creators as a copywriter Katelyn is the vibe.”

- Ryan Thompson


Veerle says this was the BEST coaching she's ever done

“Being mentored by Katelyn has been pure GOLD. From the get-go of the mentorship, I felt supported. Every coaching call was tailored to exactly where I was or what I’d been dealing with that week. From onboarding clients to discovery calls and swipe files, the mentorship is jam-packed with resources and templates.

The copy critiques are the cherries on top. Being able to get every piece of copy I’ve written critiqued by Katelyn is priceless. The copy critiques are so in-depth. Katelyn takes her time not just to tell you what to change or how to phrase something differently but also why.

This mentorship is by far THE BEST coaching I’ve ever done. So if you’re on the fence about her mentorship, do it. It’s worth every penny (and more!)”

- Veerle Van den Acker


Karen got the kick-in-the-pants she needed to make progress

"Katelyn has been an incredible mentor. She's extremely kind and truly cares about my success. She's so incredibly generous with her time and is a wealth of knowledge. She's happy to share everything she knows and provide resources whenever she can. She gives in-depth copy reviews that are just full of impressive gems to take your copy to the next level and help you think more strategically.

What has impressed me the most is Katelyn's natural ability to meet me wherever I'm at without judgment - yet give me the kick in the pants I need to make progress! I've worked with other coaches and coaching with Katelyn has by far been the best experience I've had. She's a born coach who beautifully combines mindset work with strategy and equips you with the tools and specific action steps you need to put ideas into action. I have absolutely loved working with her!”

- Karen Michail, conversion copywriter


Joining was the "best-decision-I-coulda-made kinda AWESOME choice" for Anna

“I was on the fence when Katelyn last opened the doors.

Was it really for me??

I emailed Katelyn my questions. She answered with honesty and no pressure. I got the information I needed to take the plunge.

Mentorship with Katelyn has taught me the craft of writing email sequences. But just as importantly, she's taught me how to make a business from it.

I can't believe how much I've learnt - and created - since I started.

I’ve got school chemistry-lesson-question-related-trauma. I couldn't make sense of what I was being taught and my questions were not appreciated... end result, I felt inconvenient AND dumb. Those lessons were around 23+ years ago, but the effects run deep.

I reckon Katelyn’s willingness to answer my questions is helping rewire my brain.

She creates a safe space, both in sessions and in her private Facebook group. Questions are welcome, and she gives a ton of helpful guidance in her answers.

Plus the copy jams, where Katelyn reviews your copy - seriously good. She goes through it with a fine tooth comb. SHE WANTS YOU TO SUCCEED. She teaches you how.

This isn't a sit back and learn kinda experience. Yes there are occasions you'll do that. But like many things, the more you put in, the more you'll get out of it. Do the work, see - and read - the personal growth.

I have 1:1 mentorship, but I've no doubts how awesome group coaching with Katelyn will be.

I also have the Copywriter Igniter -- the content is INCREDIBLE. Katelyn is SO generous with her resources.

So if you are feeling the nudge to do it, hear this. My decision to learn from Katelyn was like the decision I made to invest in a dishwasher 12 years ago. A no-brainer. I could spend hours a week washing up, but I don't. My time is precious. My efforts are better spent elsewhere. I trust my dishwasher to clean my dishes.

So would I trawl You Tube and try to piece together what I learn? Nope. I trust Katelyn is teaching me all I need to know. In the order I need it.

My decision to invest in mentoring with Katelyn was a best-decision-I-coulda-made kinda AWESOME choice.”

- Anna Gretton, copywriter


Colleen DIGS our copy jams

"What you need is *actual* feedback from someone that's written for 6 and7 figure coaches AKA Katelyn! She's really in -depth in giving you the exact steps you need to improve your copy!”

- Colleen, the copy tea


Clare wants to work with me for as long as I'll have her

"I’m an experienced copywriter with 2 years of conversion copy projects under my belt (as of 2023). Still, I will always sign up (and continue) to work with Katelyn as my mentor for as long as she’ll have me.

Her guidance has made me a more confident copywriter and marketer. She’s a true mentor who isn’t afraid to tell you as it is, and show you exactly how to get where you want to go—even (and especially) if you don’t believe you’ll get there.

So trust Katelyn and enjoy the ride. Because with her support + having the Copywriter Igniter in your back pocket to lean on, you’ll amaze yourself and prove your imposter syndrome wrong time and time again.”

- Clare Yeo, conversion copywriter + email marketing maven


Siubhan landed a $4,500 client in her first 4 weeks

"I secured a US $4,500 client within my first 4 weeks of working with her. The first client I even pitched since she took me under her wing.

Taking the leap to be mentored by Katelyn was without a doubt the best thing I could’ve done for my copywriting career. It’s not just the insane amount of knowledge she so freely gives, and the templates she openly shares, it’s the heart she shows up with.

Up until then, my fees had been firmly wrapped up in my feelings of self-worth. I was undercharging BIG TIME.

Katelyn gives you ALL the tools to enjoy a successful career, which in themselves will get you where you want to go, but more importantly, she gives a damn. She's there on the sideline leaping about and waving you on with bottles of water and orange slices, all while brandishing a banner with your name on it.”

- Siubhan Green of S. Green Copy


Rachael says working with Katelyn is the #1 choice

“Here's what makes Katelyn's copy coaching different: She doesn't just give you swipes (but hers are excellent). She doesn't just tell you how to write conversion copy (although she's an incredible teacher). She doesn't just give you all the best tips and resources to sell a new offer (which she does -- with integrity).

The thing that really sets Katelyn apart is that she completely pulls back the curtain on her business and shows you exactly how to create the offer, do it, make it better, and sell it. Nothing is held back -- and it's done with one genuine goal: to make you a better copywriter.

If you're a copywriter or aspiring copywriter who's ready to invest in your copy career -- Katelyn should be the #1 choice on your list for training, mentorship, and ongoing guidance."

- Rachael Darden


Georgina got practical guidance

"I would highly recommend anyone looking to niche into course creators to sign up for Katelyn's mentorship. Her course is packed with value and our weekly calls have been really fun and full of practical guidance on how to promote and pitch my services. I've loved being a student!"

- Georgina Izzard, flair copywriting


Tracy says "Katelyn genuinely wants you to succeed"

“Katelyn was so much fun to learn from and super generous with the knowledge and tools she shared. She took her time answering all of our questions, even as it crept towards the wee hours of the night. You can sense that she genuinely wants to see you succeed. The entire experience was just tremendously valuable. I got so much more than I expected for the money.”

- Tracy Spring, a workshop student


Kirthika called my workshop "pure gold"

“The vibe and the workshop was 🔥. She’s patient, fun, and answered every Q with practical answers. Overall, the workshop was pure gold!”

- Kirthika, a workshop student


 Hot gossip about the copy I wrote….

(Course creators who hired me privately to write their stuff)


Christina hit close to a million dollars

“Working with Katelyn is the most incredible experience. She makes you feel extremely held. She is so helpful. It’s honestly mind-blowing. Its like she’s the better writer version of me.

Her sales page copy that she’s written for The Influencer Bootcamp and The Blogger Bootcamp has helped my business generate close to a million dollars in revenue over the last year.

Not only will it save you time hiring or learning from Katelyn, but it will also get you results. It will get you the conversions, the purchasers, the subscribers that you want. I don’t have anything but good things to say about Katelyn. She is an exceptional copywriter. "

- Christina Galbato


Celinne made $50k

“My biggest launch to date.... F-yes, I will be hiring Katelyn again! I worked with Katelyn because I wanted to hit my first $50k launch, but was too swamped to write the 35+ emails required. During pre-launch, I was in Pakistan for two weeks and she was able to integrate with my team and get everything in according to the timeline she promised. Some people just take the paycheck and do exactly what’s outlined, but Katelyn goes above and beyond. As a result of working with her, an overwhelming number of people enrolled in my challenge and way more people showed up to my webinar than usual (thanks to her show up sequence). I ended up hitting my $50k mark (if you count the handful of private intensives I booked in addition to the 40 enrollments). Work with Katelyn. She knows her sh^t and she won't waste your time."

- Celinne Da Costa


Dawn got her highest click-throughs ever

"Katelyn came as a recommendation to me from Tarzan Kay. I booked her for a day rate to see how we'd mesh. And HOLY CRAP. It was so awesome working with her. Before the day even ended, I was already asking myself "how can I work with her more?" Before Katelyn, I had been getting pretty good open rates, but no crazy click throughs to report. With the first email she wrote for me — I got the highest click through I have ever gotten in an email. Katelyn goes above and beyond and I just LOVE the emails she writes."

- Dawn Bradley


Heather made $25k with a list of 200

“I’m an eleventh hour kinda gal. So when my first course launch was a few weeks away, I knew I needed to book a couple day rates with Katelyn. Holy crap, the webinar show up sequence that girl wrote!? I had a 40% show up rate! Katelyn also wrote my promo sequence and webinar invites. The result was a $25k launch, and my email list was only 200 people at the time. Someone even screenshot one of the emails Katelyn wrote for me and posted it inside a Facebook group to show people what great email looks like.”

- Heather Sager


We turned email into Manu's #1 sales-channel

“Katelyn was such a great find! Even the few tips she gave me in our discovery loom shaped one of my sales pages so much!

She is so talented and professional and brings not just great writing to the table, but also strategy and knowledge to optimize conversion on your sales pages and email sequences.

The email sequence she created for me was a beast, in the best possible way. During that launch, email was the best-performing sales channel (and I sell A LOT through Instagram). One of her emails had a 45% open rate, and her show up sequence influenced 35% of my sign-ups to actually show up.

Katelyn also dives into your business and writes copy that sounds so on brand, too! Can’t wait to work with her again.”

- Manu